On the brink of madness

Okay, given, I do exaggerate .. a bit šŸ˜‰ But since last weekend I’m one happy bundle of joy, and constant annoyance to cats and boyfriend because like a ball of excitement. And just because I can write.

Now I really start to believe that strange girlfriend of a friend of mine who told me a while ago I had the wrong job (I’m sure I ranted about that. I always rant about her. She’s one big character slaw of mine!) – she said it because of the wrong reasons, but deep down in my rambler soul I know that true happiness lies in writing for me, and writing about yarn … well, you get it, I guess.

And what’s most fun it writing emails with dyers and other fiberfolks. Now I can justify being nosy by saying I have to do that for the Chum, I need stuff to write about, and everyone wants to read interviews šŸ™‚ The first one of those will go online today, because Mandie of Ewe Give Me The Knits was brave enough to pose as my first victim, and I say it again (although I already emailed it, too), that shop update will go online and most folks will never see the whole beauty of it because I will raid it! I swear! šŸ™‚ Now I hope she’s not already getting second thoughts about me, and thinks about relocation because I start stalking her shop šŸ˜‰ Thanks again, you really made my day!

One other thing why I am so out of my mind is because now I feel like my eccentrics style of writing (that I keep out of my blog sometimes) seems to be good for the Chum, so it will likely resurface here, too. I might look the nice girl from next door, but deep down I’m a crazy fiber and writing addict šŸ˜‰

So, now that I’ve scared away the last 26 readers from here (because it was just a peak at 72 the day before yesterday, yesterday only 26) I can go do some stuff. Like throw my computer out of a window, because it quit already 2 times on me today, and for just email and blogging stuff, that’s way too often.

~ by peachy on August 2, 2007.

One Response to “On the brink of madness”

  1. Definitely no second thoughts, I’m still laughing at how fast you can shop!!
    Just packing your new babies now šŸ™‚

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